Six Routines to Help Curate More Intentional Mornings

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

What are your mornings like?

Are they slow-paced? Sped-through? Do you take the time to have coffee or tea? Or do you like to sleep in until you hit ‘snooze’ for the last time?

I’ve been working from home for quite some time now, and I must say, my mornings have changed a bit. While I was able to maintain a nice morning routine while based in the office, working remotely has definitely allowed me to be more flexible in maximizing my time and making the most of my mornings. I have found that the way I start my morning, sets the tone for my day. The older I get, the more my goals are connected to my peace of mind and emotional wellness.

Routines are important because they keep you motivated, connected to your goals and desires, and they help form habits — and habits are what help shape a successful person. Here are a few of my morning routines that I find to be very fruitful. And, for any parents reading this, I would like to add that becoming a mother has not impacted my morning routine much, it simply required some readjusting and better time management. I, personally have found that waking before my son gives me a head-start on what it is that I desire to do.

Wake early

It’s true that “the early bird gets the worm.” For me, the ‘worm’ is peace of mind and a sense of completion. I don’t like to rush and I hate the unsettling feeling it gives me. My morning routine is timely, but a requirement in order for me to feel my best, so waking early gives me the freedom I need to move at my own pace. Whether your mornings are with or without routine, I suggest waking early enough to get a head-start on your day. I like to allow 2 hours.

Ignore your phone

Less worrying about what’s happening around the world and more focusing on what’s happening within your own. It’s all too easy to allow rolling over and silencing your alarm to turn into checking your texts, emails, then scrolling through social media. Before you know it, you’ve spent 30+ minutes checking in on everyone else. What did that do for you? Besides create a subconscious sense of urgency, possibly comparison, and fill your mental space with other people’s thoughts and lifestyles. It’s sometimes a pleasure to be connected but there’s a time and place for everything and the wee hours of your morning are your time to be intimate with yourself. Be greedy with that and allow yourself to move through your morning before looking at your phone. I give myself 30 minutes before I even check my phone and 1 hour before I open an email or social media apps.

Make your bed, every single morning

It may sound insignificant but I have found that making my bed every morning gives me a feeling of completion and satisfaction — as if I have accomplished the first task of the day. After making my bed, I feel refreshed, vibrant, and as though I have just breathed fresh air into my bedroom. I believe in taking small steps and the importance of building blocks. If you can’t create a habit of tackling small tasks, you’ll never be successful in completing the larger ones.

Wake the Body, From the Inside Out  

What you put in your body upon waking up supports how your body will function throughout the day. To properly and gently wake my body, I like to start my mornings with vitamins and minerals that will give my body its proper start. The first thing I do is take a shot of liquid chlorophyll and/or wheatgrass and a tbsp of black seed oil, followed by a glass of room temperature water with magnesium, Celtic sea salt, and juice of a lemon or key lime added to it. I then take my probiotics and (clean) supplements (because not all supplements are created equal) and allow everything to settle and absorb. After an hour or so, I break my fast with fruit (never anything heavy and definitely not bread). If I am still wanting more to eat afterward, I allow time for my fruit to absorb before having something a little heavier. Since habitually doing this, I have noticed increased energy, brighter moods, better concentration, proper gut function, and my skin is a lot more plump and hydrated. I am very dedicated to bringing my body back to its most natural state and being intentional about how I wake it in the morning has been very rewarding.

Deep Breaths + Exercise

Deep breaths and exercise practices in the morning can help get blood and air circulating throughout the body and bring your mind to a state of calmness and clarity. This can help you manage self-care in ways you may not have even known you needed. I tend to get very restless and anxious if I don’t slow my mind and participate in some sort of exercise. Believe it or not, jogging for some people is their way of meditating. Every other day, I like to go on a nice run and end it with a full-body stretch. On a consecutive day, I may choose Yoga or Pilates. Honestly, anything that makes me sweat and puts me up to a challenge is certainly enough to entertain my need to communicate with the blueprint of my body. If you are able to do some form of active movement and deep breathing, even if simply a brisk walk and/or deep stretch, I highly recommend it.

Map Out Your Day

We live in a very fast-paced environment these days and it’s almost impossible to be successful in remembering to complete tasks without writing them down. Whether you prefer to do this night before or the morning of, writing down your tasks for the day is a great way to manifest actually completing the list. It helps to stay organized, motivated, and consistent in moving towards your goals, and both physically & mentally checking things off your list provides a sense of satisfaction that we all aspire to. It also helps to be realistic with yourself about how you measure productivity — some things need to be measured in days, weeks, and even seasons. Mapping your day out helps to internalize this.

To help you visualize what the above may look like, I’ve offered A glimpse into my morning

Learning to live with anxiety is something that I have struggled with for many years. I didn't always understand it, but the more I grew into myself, I became more conscious of what triggered me and how to manage it, if not able to prevent it entirely. I like to take a few moments to be intentional about what I allow into my mind and where I spend my energy currency. One of the methods that I have found to help me silence my thoughts and become more centered is the art of meditation. I believe it to come in many forms. Somedays, I like to open my drapes, sit on the edge of my bed, focus on the sound of birds chirping, and zone inward. I may burn frankincense on other days and opt for a meditation shower with relaxation chimes, India Arie or K.Dot, depending on how I feel. I'm versatile with my meditation - the method varies on my mood and intention for the session. In my experience, meditation is any mindful practice that puts you at ease and allows you to align with your 'now.' That looks different for everyone.

Lastly, no matter what method I choose, my cellphone is out of reach until 8 AM, and I end my routine with the pull of a tarot card and a cup of herbal tea. During the weekend, this is followed by the reading of a few pages out of my current book.

Routines usually bore me, but they are pivotal for my mornings. I consider the impact the relationship between my nights and mornings have on my entire day. I'm a strong advocate for self-care and peaceful productivity. Not only is sleep when the body rejuvenates, but that is also when you are most in tune and capable of communicating with your spirit. Before bed, I make sure my home is clean (clutter triggers my anxiety), smells of my favorite essential oils, and my to-do list has been at least 75% completed. I end my night with a good facial routine, reading, a prayer, and a dream affirmation. A good morning and night routine is an excellent way to create balance.

I hope this has been helpful. If you're still in the process of establishing your own routine, give yourself the space to adventure and try new ideas out. These things take time, and not everything you try will feel like home to you. If you are someone who has already curated your perfect morning routine, share below what it consists of. It's okay if you shy away from routines and decide to 'go with the flow.'

Peace and Blessings! Rich risings and mindful nights to you all.


The Art of Forgiveness